XSL stands for extensible stylesheet language.its a language used to desing and apply style sheets especially for xml documents.
xsl consists of three parts
1) xslt
xslt:-xslt is a language for transforming xml documents.
xpath :-xpath is an language to filter,search or sort some information available in xml document.
xsl-fo:-xsl-fo is a language for formatting xml documents.
XSLT which stands for xsl Transformation.XSLt is also used to tranform xml document to another xml.
Difference between vb and vb 6
1)VB6 does not support inheritance but VB .NET does
2)VB6 does not support polymorphism but VB .NET does
3) vb is opps based, But VB.Net is Completely supported for oops
4) In dotnet we can develop console applications, web applications, mobile apps, smart device apps, But this was not possible in vb.
5) Lot of Advanced controls available in vb.net
6) in vb, only recordset concepts ( connection methods) are available, ex. DAO, ADO, RDO methods. But in dotnet ado.net(disconnected Database) method is also availble.
7) Cross language integration, Cross language Debugging and cross langauge inheritance is also possible in vb.net.
2)VB6 does not support polymorphism but VB .NET does
3) vb is opps based, But VB.Net is Completely supported for oops
4) In dotnet we can develop console applications, web applications, mobile apps, smart device apps, But this was not possible in vb.
5) Lot of Advanced controls available in vb.net
6) in vb, only recordset concepts ( connection methods) are available, ex. DAO, ADO, RDO methods. But in dotnet ado.net(disconnected Database) method is also availble.
7) Cross language integration, Cross language Debugging and cross langauge inheritance is also possible in vb.net.
C# vs VB.Net
1)Vb.Net having supports optional parameters but C# doesnt.
2)C# doesnt have equivalent of vb with/Endwith statements.
3)Vb.Net not case sensitive
4)C# is case sensitive
5)There is no Pointer Type variables in vb.net
6)There is no xml document available in vb.net but C# have
7)Variable declaration in vb.net likeDim x as string
8)variable declaration in C# like string x ;
2)C# doesnt have equivalent of vb with/Endwith statements.
3)Vb.Net not case sensitive
4)C# is case sensitive
5)There is no Pointer Type variables in vb.net
6)There is no xml document available in vb.net but C# have
7)Variable declaration in vb.net likeDim x as string
8)variable declaration in C# like string x ;
ADO vs ADO dotnet
Expansion of ADO is ActiveX Data Object.
Ado:-ADO work with connected data.ADO's are stateful(TCP/IP), ADO.NET's are stateless(internet).ADO allows you to create client-side cursors only, whereas ADO.NET gives you the choice of either using client-side or server-side cursors.ADO.NET object is a lightweight object.Ado.Net navigate data with XML. ADO Not nevigate. Table lockings is Possible in ADO and Table Lockings is not Possible in ADO.Net.ADO.NET is the primary relational data access model for Microsoft Dot NET based Application.It works with any component on any platform that understands XML.
Ado:-ADO work with connected data.ADO's are stateful(TCP/IP), ADO.NET's are stateless(internet).ADO allows you to create client-side cursors only, whereas ADO.NET gives you the choice of either using client-side or server-side cursors.ADO.NET object is a lightweight object.Ado.Net navigate data with XML. ADO Not nevigate. Table lockings is Possible in ADO and Table Lockings is not Possible in ADO.Net.ADO.NET is the primary relational data access model for Microsoft Dot NET based Application.It works with any component on any platform that understands XML.
types of transaction in SQL
There are two types of transaction in sql
* Rollback
* Commit
The commit statement terminate the current transaction and makes all changes under the transaction persistent. It commits the changes to the database.
General format of Commit
commit WORK is an optional keyword that does not change the semantics of COMMIT. ROLLBACK Statement:-
The ROLLBACK Statement terminates the current transaction and rescinds all changes made under the transaction. It rolls back the changes to the database. The ROLLBACK statement has the following general format: ROLLBACK [WORK]WORK is an optional keyword that does not change the semantics of ROLLBACK.
* Rollback
* Commit
The commit statement terminate the current transaction and makes all changes under the transaction persistent. It commits the changes to the database.
General format of Commit
commit WORK is an optional keyword that does not change the semantics of COMMIT. ROLLBACK Statement:-
The ROLLBACK Statement terminates the current transaction and rescinds all changes made under the transaction. It rolls back the changes to the database. The ROLLBACK statement has the following general format: ROLLBACK [WORK]WORK is an optional keyword that does not change the semantics of ROLLBACK.
Difference between Truncate and Delete
Truncate is Data Dafanition Language.
Truncate command cannot be rollback.
When Table is deleted memory occupied is released and also water mark is adjusted.
Truncate is faster than Delete.
Delete is Data Manipulation Language.
Delete is slower than Truncate.
Delete command is rollback.
When Table is deleted memory occupied is not released and also water mark is not adjusted
Truncate command cannot be rollback.
When Table is deleted memory occupied is released and also water mark is adjusted.
Truncate is faster than Delete.
Delete is Data Manipulation Language.
Delete is slower than Truncate.
Delete command is rollback.
When Table is deleted memory occupied is not released and also water mark is not adjusted
Define Globalization and Localization
Globalization is the process of making a product multi-lingual.Localization is the process of adapting a global product for a particular language .
1. You can visualize globalization as more of architecture decisions. While localization is adapting your content to local market. Localization phase occurs before globalization phase.
2. Globalization is process of identifying how many resources needs to be localized to adopt a multiple culture support, while Localization is actual process of translating resource to a specific c\ulture.
1. You can visualize globalization as more of architecture decisions. While localization is adapting your content to local market. Localization phase occurs before globalization phase.
2. Globalization is process of identifying how many resources needs to be localized to adopt a multiple culture support, while Localization is actual process of translating resource to a specific c\ulture.
what is cross join
Cross Join:-
Cross join is used to return all records where each row from first table is combined with each row in second table.
cross join is also called as Cartesian Product join.
Sql Cross Join Syntax:-
Select * FROM TABLE 1, TABLE 2
Cross join is used to return all records where each row from first table is combined with each row in second table.
cross join is also called as Cartesian Product join.
Sql Cross Join Syntax:-
Select * FROM TABLE 1, TABLE 2
Whis Sub Query
Query within a Query is called SubQuery.
Syntax for SubQuery is
SELECT column_name1 FROM Table_name1 WHERE column_name2 Comparison Operator
(SELECT column_name3 FROM Table_name2 WHERE [Condition])
SELECT * FROM emp WHERE sal = (SELECT MIN(sal) FROM employee)
CoRelated SubQuery:-
The main difference between SubQuery and co Related subquery is that in subquery child query excuted first and then parent query will excute. But in Co-Related subquery main query will excuted first and then Child query .
Select name from emp where exits (Select empid,salary from emp1 where emp1.name=emp.name)
Query within a Query is called SubQuery.
Syntax for SubQuery is
SELECT column_name1 FROM Table_name1 WHERE column_name2 Comparison Operator
(SELECT column_name3 FROM Table_name2 WHERE [Condition])
SELECT * FROM emp WHERE sal = (SELECT MIN(sal) FROM employee)
CoRelated SubQuery:-
The main difference between SubQuery and co Related subquery is that in subquery child query excuted first and then parent query will excute. But in Co-Related subquery main query will excuted first and then Child query .
Select name from emp where exits (Select empid,salary from emp1 where emp1.name=emp.name)
What is StoredProcedure
stored procedure is advanced feature in sql server that offers you to create,compile and run sql commands in the server itself.
There are many types of stored procedure availabe in Sql.
1)User-defined Stored Procedures
There are several advantages in writing our own stored procedures. We write complex and nested statements with less effort.
2)Extended Stored Procedures
Extended stored procedures are used to access SQL server by using dlls.
3)System Stored Procedures
System stored procedures are used for administrating, configuring and monitoring the SQL server.
select * from Emp
create procedure Empp @eusername nvarchar(20),@epassword nvarchar(20),@EEmpid nvarchar(20)
insert into Emp (UserName,PassWord,EmpID) values(@eusername,@epassword,@EEmpid)
alter procedure EmpUpdate @eEmpID nvarchar(20),@eUserName nvarchar(20),@ePassword nvarchar(20)
update Emp set PassWord=@ePassword,UserName=@eUserName where EmpID=@eEmpID
empp 'rajan','daran','1050'
empp 'ravi','ravi','890'
EmpUpdate 'gr','mahagr','anuja'
There are many types of stored procedure availabe in Sql.
1)User-defined Stored Procedures
There are several advantages in writing our own stored procedures. We write complex and nested statements with less effort.
2)Extended Stored Procedures
Extended stored procedures are used to access SQL server by using dlls.
3)System Stored Procedures
System stored procedures are used for administrating, configuring and monitoring the SQL server.
select * from Emp
create procedure Empp @eusername nvarchar(20),@epassword nvarchar(20),@EEmpid nvarchar(20)
insert into Emp (UserName,PassWord,EmpID) values(@eusername,@epassword,@EEmpid)
alter procedure EmpUpdate @eEmpID nvarchar(20),@eUserName nvarchar(20),@ePassword nvarchar(20)
update Emp set PassWord=@ePassword,UserName=@eUserName where EmpID=@eEmpID
empp 'rajan','daran','1050'
empp 'ravi','ravi','890'
EmpUpdate 'gr','mahagr','anuja'
What is candidate Key
candidate Key [Primary Key] is a key which maintains the Row Unique.
it Can be defined based on the entity. composite Key can be either Primay or Unique Key.
More then One Key columns are said to be composite keys. Candidate Key(Primary Key) is a column in a table which has the ability to become a primary key.But a primary key does not necessarily have to be the target of any foreign keys. The candidate key must be unique within its domain.
it Can be defined based on the entity. composite Key can be either Primay or Unique Key.
More then One Key columns are said to be composite keys. Candidate Key(Primary Key) is a column in a table which has the ability to become a primary key.But a primary key does not necessarily have to be the target of any foreign keys. The candidate key must be unique within its domain.
Dynamic button control with events
Create Dynamic button control with events asp.net with vb.
Put this code in page load event
Dim btn As Button
Dim txt As TextBox
For i As Integer = 0 To 2
btn = New Button
txt = New TextBox
txt.ID = "Textbox" & i
txt.Text = "Textbox" & i
btn.Text = "DynamicButton" & i
btn.ID = "DynamicButton" & i
AddHandler txt.TextChanged, AddressOf Txt_TextChanged
AddHandler btn.Click, AddressOf btn_Click
Protected Sub btn_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Response.Write("G.Renganathan(UltimateRengan" & CType(sender, Button).ID)
End Sub
Protected Sub Txt_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub
Put this code in page load event
Dim btn As Button
Dim txt As TextBox
For i As Integer = 0 To 2
btn = New Button
txt = New TextBox
txt.ID = "Textbox" & i
txt.Text = "Textbox" & i
btn.Text = "DynamicButton" & i
btn.ID = "DynamicButton" & i
AddHandler txt.TextChanged, AddressOf Txt_TextChanged
AddHandler btn.Click, AddressOf btn_Click
Protected Sub btn_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
Response.Write("G.Renganathan(UltimateRengan" & CType(sender, Button).ID)
End Sub
Protected Sub Txt_TextChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
End Sub
What is Ajax
AJAX stands for Asynchronous JavaScript and XML.AJAX is not a New Technology. it's a New way of combining existing technologies. What we do in AJAX is create the Asyncronous request to webserver using javascript and xmlhttprequest object and map a function to be excuted when the response is received. Asyncronous means the browser does not wait for server response after sending the request to server.The core component in AJAX is the XMLHTTPRequest object.
its used to send request to, and receive the request from webserver.Using this object the webpage can make a request to the webserver asyncronously, and receive the response asycronously. Even though this object is not a w3c standards.
its used to send request to, and receive the request from webserver.Using this object the webpage can make a request to the webserver asyncronously, and receive the response asycronously. Even though this object is not a w3c standards.
What is the advantage of using stored procedure over the SQL queries?
Writing the SQL statements inside our code is usually not a good idea. In this way you expose your database schema (design) in the code which may be changed. Hence most of the time programmers use stored procedures instead of plain SQL statements. A stored procedure is a precompiled executable object that contains one or more SQL statements. Hence you can replace your complex SQL statements with a single stored procedure. Since, stored procedures are precompiled objects they execute faster at the database server. Most of the time, stored procedures contain more than one command; in this case, the time to pass the individual commands to the database server from the program is saved. The database is issued just one command (to execute the stored procedure) and the DB server executes all the commands and returns the result in the end. Hence, the overall interaction time with the DB server reduces in a great deal. This can result in a huge optimization in case where the DB server is accessed via a slow network.
What is Trigger
SQL create trigger statement provides a way for the database management system to actively controls and monitor and manage the group of table when ever an update the data or delete the data or insert the data in that time performed.Trigger excuted each time an sql insert,update,delete operation is performed.
create trigger tri_update on Empfor update
if update(EmpID)
print'not update here'rollback transactionendend
update Emp set EmpID='jj' where UserName='mahagr'
not update hereMsg 3609,
Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The transaction ended in the trigger. The batch has been aborted.
different types of triggers:-
Row Triggers and Statement Triggers BEFORE and AFTER Triggers INSTEAD OF Triggers Triggers on System Events and User Events
create trigger tri_update on Empfor update
if update(EmpID)
print'not update here'rollback transactionendend
update Emp set EmpID='jj' where UserName='mahagr'
not update hereMsg 3609,
Level 16, State 1, Line 1
The transaction ended in the trigger. The batch has been aborted.
different types of triggers:-
Row Triggers and Statement Triggers BEFORE and AFTER Triggers INSTEAD OF Triggers Triggers on System Events and User Events
What is SQL Joins
SQL Join:-Sql Join is used to retrieve data from one or more tables joined by common fields.The most common field is Primarykey from one table and foreign key in another table.
EX:-select A.Empno,A.Empname,B.Salary,B.Department from Emp1 A,Emp2 Bwhere A.Empno=B.Empno
There are two types of joins in SQL
1)Inner joins:-
Inner join select rows from both tables.Usually join condition is equality of two columns one from table A and other from table B
2)Outer joins:-
The outer joins have two subtypes
i)Left outer join
II)right outer join
Outer join extends the functionality of inner join. It returns following rows: the same rows as inner join i.e. rows from both tables, which matches join condition and rows from one or both tables, which do not match join condition along with NULL values in place of other table's columns.
Outer join syntax is as follows: -
SELECT column list FROM left joined table LEFTRIGHTFULL [OUTER] JOINON join condition
Cross Join:-
Cross join is used to return all records where each row from first table is combined with each row in second table.cross join is also called as Cartesian Product join.
Sql Cross Join Syntax:-
Select * FROM TABLE 1, TABLE 2
EX:-select A.Empno,A.Empname,B.Salary,B.Department from Emp1 A,Emp2 Bwhere A.Empno=B.Empno
There are two types of joins in SQL
1)Inner joins:-
Inner join select rows from both tables.Usually join condition is equality of two columns one from table A and other from table B
2)Outer joins:-
The outer joins have two subtypes
i)Left outer join
II)right outer join
Outer join extends the functionality of inner join. It returns following rows: the same rows as inner join i.e. rows from both tables, which matches join condition and rows from one or both tables, which do not match join condition along with NULL values in place of other table's columns.
Outer join syntax is as follows: -
SELECT column list FROM left joined table LEFTRIGHTFULL [OUTER] JOIN
Cross Join:-
Cross join is used to return all records where each row from first table is combined with each row in second table.cross join is also called as Cartesian Product join.
Sql Cross Join Syntax:-
Select * FROM TABLE 1, TABLE 2
What is the Difference between Primary key and Uniquekey
Primary key and unique are Entity integrity constraints.unique key can be null but primariy key cant be null.primariy key can be refrenced to other table as FK.We can declare only one primary key in a table but a table can have multiple unique key.
What is oops
OOPs stands for object oriented programming system.the programming language relates to the use of c++ and Java.OOP is object oriented programming language which is extension of procedure oriented programming language.OOP is reduce the code of the program because extensive feature of polymorphism.It have many properties:-1)Inheritance2)Data Abstraction3)Data Encapsulation4)Polymorphism5)Data Hiding
Inheritane is Parent class(super class) variable and methods use in child class(sub Class).
Inheritane is Parent class(super class) variable and methods use in child class(sub Class).
What is DAL
a Data access layer can be an important part of software application.
1. In ModificationAny change in DataAccessLayer will not affect your UserInterface or Business Layer.
2. Database IndepedentYou can also switch your database from one database to another database (like SQL Server to Oracle).So your DAL will be database neutral, that happened when you use factory patten in DAL and implement interfaces like IdbCommand, IdbConnection,IdbDataAdapter
1. In ModificationAny change in DataAccessLayer will not affect your UserInterface or Business Layer.
2. Database IndepedentYou can also switch your database from one database to another database (like SQL Server to Oracle).So your DAL will be database neutral, that happened when you use factory patten in DAL and implement interfaces like IdbCommand, IdbConnection,IdbDataAdapter
How to bind textbox values to Gridview
Just Drag and drop the 3 textbox,one button and gridview control to out page.
Imports System.Data
Partial Class _Default
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Dim Table As New DataTable("UserDetails")
Dim column As DataColumn
Dim dr As DataRow
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
column = New DataColumn
column.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String")
column.ColumnName = "Name"
column.Caption = "UserName"
column = New DataColumn()
column.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String")
column.ColumnName = "Age"
column.Caption = "Age"
column = New DataColumn()
column.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String")
column.ColumnName = "Location"
column.Caption = "Location"
End Sub
Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
dr = Table.NewRow()
dr("Name") = TextBox1.Text
dr("Age") = TextBox2.Text
dr("Location") = TextBox3.Text
GridView1.DataSource = Table
End Sub
End Class
Just Drag and drop the 3 textbox,one button and gridview control to out page.
Imports System.Data
Partial Class _Default
Inherits System.Web.UI.Page
Dim Table As New DataTable("UserDetails")
Dim column As DataColumn
Dim dr As DataRow
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load
column = New DataColumn
column.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String")
column.ColumnName = "Name"
column.Caption = "UserName"
column = New DataColumn()
column.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String")
column.ColumnName = "Age"
column.Caption = "Age"
column = New DataColumn()
column.DataType = System.Type.GetType("System.String")
column.ColumnName = "Location"
column.Caption = "Location"
End Sub
Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click
dr = Table.NewRow()
dr("Name") = TextBox1.Text
dr("Age") = TextBox2.Text
dr("Location") = TextBox3.Text
GridView1.DataSource = Table
End Sub
End Class
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